Sunday, November 29, 2009

Risk Profiler

Jom main soklan2 menguji diri.. hihihik..

actually saya suka stp kali balik dari short course UT Pub Mutual. sbb banyak benda boleh share pd korg2 yg sedang/bakal bergelar INVESTOR

Please Answer ALL Questions:
1. When you hear unexpected adverse or bad financial news, you
a. Never overreact
b. Rarely overreact
c. Always overreact

2. Between a new position offering greater job security with small pay rise and another with a high pay rise but less job security, which would you select?
a. Probably higher pay rise
b. Not sure
c. Probably greater job security

3. Would you borrow money or go on margin trading to make an investment that might double your money?
a. Yes
b. Maybe
c. No

4. if you have investment in a stock that rose 30% within 6 months after you brought it you would
a. do nothing or buy more shares
b. sell some shares
c. sell all your shares

5. Do you believe luck is important in making your investment decision?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. No

6. If you could increase your chances of improving your returns by taking more risk, you would be
a. Willing to take a lot more risk with all your money
b. Willing o take some risk with some of your money
c. Unwilling to take much more risk

7. In case of emergency, would you have available savings to pay for
a. Less than 3 months’ living expenses
b. 3 - 12 months’ living expenses
c. More than 12 months’ living expenses

8. What percentage of your household income (after tax) is spent each month paying of credit card bills, payments and either on rent or mortgage payments?
a. More than 50%
b. Between 25% and 50%
c. Less than 25%

9. Would you invest in a stock based on a friend’s tip?
a. Yes
b. Maybe
c. No

10. Which one the following statements best describes your feelings about investment risks?
a. I prefer to select an aggressive mix of investments
b. I prefer to select a balanced mix of investments
c. I prefer to select a conservative mix of investments

11. Do you expect your future earning over the next five years to
a. Increase
b. Stay the same
c. Decrease

12. Would you invest in individual stocks or equity (stock-base) unit trusts?
a. Yes
b. Maybe
c. No

For all questions,
a = 3 points
b = 2 points
c = 1 points

Your total marks will reveal whether you are aggressive/moderate/conservative investor. ^__^

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Factor to be consider

tajuk entry sepatutnya Factors to consider in Investment
this can be apply for any type of investment. (Unit Amanah/Gold/Market Stocks)

Factors to consider:
1. Goals/Objectives
2. Expected rate of RETURN
3. Risk
4. Time horizon
5. Current financial position


Apakah objektif pelaburan kita? What we save for?
- Emergency Funds (71% RD readers agree with this)
- home ownership 29% (yg dah beli sebuah, maybe lookin fwd for 2nd house)
- gettin married (perhaps saya antara yg masih dgn objektif ni hihiks)
- special treat-holiday vacation etc umrah/haji/makan angin/honeymon
- children education (56%)
- Supporting Aged Parents
- Special Purchase (Car, Perabut Rumah, Electrical gadget)
- increase WEALTH
- comfortable RETIREMENT (57%)

Apakah jangkaan pulangan keuntungan dari pelaburan tersebut?
Sekadar untung balik modal?
atau keuntungan lebih tinggi dari simpanan sedia ada?

Berapakah risiko yg sedia anda hadapi?
setiap investor tanpa sedar mahukan High Return, NO risk, Fast Result!
tapi ada kah investment dgn ciri2 begini? if ada tulun bg tau saya... hihihi

in fact invest with gold pun still ade risk maa.. beli physical gold kalau salah tempat simpan hmm haru gaks!
utk ini investor mesti sedar,

NO RISK? BEST HIGH RETURN?? .. jaga2 itu macam skim-pak-man-telo-cepat-kaya!

Berapakah tempoh yang anda sedia tunggu untuk pelaburan anda?
the longer the better...
for UT investment, MINIMUM 3-5years. again depends pada objektif kita gak!

Tetapi, apakah situasi kewangan kita sekarang?
Ada duit lebey utk test investment?
Berminat, tapi duit tak cukup... tiba2 teringat pada duit EPF Acc 1.
ok gak tu! at least during retirement, ada extra cash lebey sket dari org lain ;)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Strategy investing in UT

#warning! entry ini ada unsur teknikal.. jika tidak sedia, sila refer entry gossip di bawah!
(PG5 - saya klasifikasikan entry ini parental guide for child below 5 hahaha.. sape yg ade anak kecil sila bace ketika mereka tdo, supaya tidak kaco u ols punya concentration ehehe)


tapi sebelum itu; saya nak abadikan 5 reason tambahan (dari wife upline saya ehem2)
kenapa saya join Public Mutual selain dari sebab2 yg pernah dinyatakan sebelum ini

so 5 reason tambahan tersbut adalah spt berikut:
1. upline si saya mr jektot ada dekat di mlk.
2. opis/branch PM satu jalan dgn facial shop, so senang singgah.
3. if malas nk isi borang, wife upline sedia utk tolong isikan.. bagus betui!
4. boleh terus jektot explain kat client saya if kes saya malas... lagi? haha
5. dan plg penting! kita (:refer to saya n mrs jektot) boleh lepak selalu together2. hahaha syiok2

kerana alasan2 (sebahagiannya) inilah membuat kan saya berjaya utk renew license saya semula with PM. ekeke

top of that, saya dapat tambah byk ilmu investing in UT dgn pergi join 1 day training class for only RM10 with free meal heheks


so sini saya nak jelaskan kondisi ngape saya end up jd agent UT ops start now, im referring myself as UT consultant..

ada beza tau antara agent n consultant ni.
agent: he/she just collect n sales the UT to get her komisyen
but as for
consultant: he/she should be ur navigator to achieve ur investment target in UT.
komisyen tu somehow kekadang tak balik modal pun dgn usaha seorang consultant tu dah buat-consider if she/he really do it well. hmm did i sound bias ere?

.. ok saya akan relate kan the different later after i discuss on STRATEGY to invest in UT.

ok. tis part ni pun dah bole bezakan seorg yg approach kita tu consultant or just an agent.

ok saya admit saya dlu pun react as agent. sbb saya sendiri sebelum ni, tak dapat ape yg saya nak faham dari investment tru UT ni.
mmg upline kita masa tu kawan kita sendiri, tapi mungkin saya tak approach die sebetul2nya. so far after join 2months UTC under PM saya rasa ilmu saya berkembang 100%++ compared to previous 1 yr as UTC under Apx.

ok2.. korg bukan nk bace sangat ape yg saya bebel. dari tadi dok tunggu ape point strategy investing in UT ni kan kan kan...

well.. STRATEGY investing in UT is simple..
1. long term
2. regular
3. asset allocations
as consultant, our job should HELP the investor by EDUCATE them, but not just simply act as agent who try to make decision for their client.

1. LONG TERM strategi 
1, dah bnyk kali saya citer sebelum ni. which is, UT tak same objective macam beli insurance. not so high risk macam main saham sekaligus bukan juga skim cepat kayoss!
high risk high return - but we also can make it high return with UT if we make it for long term investment. boleh refer pada pic kat bawah.

2. REGULAR strategi 2.
investing in UT bukan main tikam2 bila market akan turun/naik... tapi risiko turun naik saham boleh dikurangkan dgn buat regular investment
hmm ini lah strategi yg saya sendiri tersilap. agent saya tak explain betul2 macam mana investing regularly in UT can make more profits - compare if we just make it lump sum and wait for the break even!
certain agent, maybe gairah nk dapat duit komisyen. sampai tak sempat nk educate her/his customer very well.
(icon2 kat gambar di atas dah menunjukkan wajah2 kita terhadap prestasi investment kita)

if we do long term, tgk pd hasil yg akhir..
and if we do regular, masalah turun naik market price, kita dah tak pedulik pun.

ok kalau korg faham dan terima 2 strategies sebelum ni dan sedia utk invest (cash/EPF money) in UT, korg dah boleh calling2 saya for further explanation strategy ke 3 ni..

3. ASSET ALLOCATION ok utk strategi ni, saya tak rase sesuai explain by bebel2 kat sini jer ke.. utk tahu ni, maybe we need to discuss face to face. so kite leh lukis2 the pie chart hehehe


tahap kesedaran kita (:mim lam ya wau) dalam pelaburan ni masih kecil bilangannya, if we compare to mereka (:cha ya nun alif).

any investor is advised to monitor their investment portfolio every 6 months. so if tade mase, tgk dalam 6 bln gtuh pun ok. tapi kalau kita make it long term, after 3 yrs, our money will growth, InsyaAllah!

next week entry saya will cover topic Risk in investment plak. entry serius takle selalu2, visitor blog ni suka layan gossip2 hahah

p/s: saya berazam, nk jadi good consultant utk adik bradik n kawan2 rapat lepas ni.

p/p/s: those yg dah pernah invest kat Apx sblm ni, korg nk top up lagi x investment sementara harge murah ni?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Monolog Unit Amanah

saya pms kut skrg ni..
hormon x stabil
ade org komen saya wat entry buh lagu jer sejak 2 menjak ni..
masakan tidak..
nak berkarya, tapi mood tak datang

so saya end up buat entry yg teknikal sket kalini..
bila bab teknikal of course im talking about UTC-Public Mutual

*Nota kaki: entry ini adalah pandangan peribadi saya

antara soalan2 yg ditanya kepada saya:

kenapa saya switch as UTC dari APex ke Public Mutual?
alasan senang, sbb as UTC lebih mudah nak deal sbb branch PM lebih dekat dari AP.

tapi kalau ikut tujuan asal saya p susah2 amik exam UTC bagai tahun lepas adalah kerana saya sangat berminat nak tau flow investment tru unit trust ni.

yer, saya sendiri start as investor. saya sendiri start invest with PM.
tapi maybe gak saya ni jenis yg suka nak tau bab2 ni..

saya pernah citer pasal dinar emas suatu masa dulu dalam blog dulu..
saya dah dapat keuntungan dari dinar emas tu.
tapi nk invest dalam emas, perlu modal yg besar.
dulu masa saya invest kat dinar emas, saya invest guna duit simpanan kawen-tak-jadi masa belajar kat UK dan campur sket % dari duit pencen ayah

so lepas attend exam utc bagai, saya terpanggil nk share info dgn kawan2 sedare mare, share a bit awareness pasal investment tru unit trust ni

so basically investment tru unit trust, we can start investment with small amount.
haa ini yg membezakan Apex with PM in term of cash investment
Apx: initial investment 2k, top up rm500
PM: initial 1k, top up anytime rm100
(btw ini maklumat yg saya terima semasa tempoh hayat menjadi ejen Apx)
so saya sendiri rase tak susah sgt nak approach org utk invest.. yerlah tak sumer org ada cash 2k saje2..

investment tru UT is medium to long term investment!
consider MIN 3-5years, sometime u already generate profits with less than a year, itu consider bonus!

saving tru unit trust, is part of investment:
before ni saya saving tru tbg haji/asb - tapi profits per annum biasa2 jer..
tapi with UT,
if we keep the same saving habits, returns adalah 15-20% average per year.
selain itu, duit yg kita simpan kita mesti nak something yg diapprove by syariah kan?
UT offer syariah fund that gain profits more than tbg haji/asb offer

tapi ada org kate, baik bayor insurance dari bayo bulan2 unit trust:
bab ni, ada 2 approach;
for those yg dah ada insurance, just keep ur insurance but still invest ur money tru unit trust.
sbb insurance n unit trust return lain2, insurance ada masa matang kan kan kan?
in fact kalau korg nk UT together with insurance, PM ada fund yg offer gtuh.. hmm fund gini APx blum ada.

takley pk plak ape soklan2 lain korg.. ada soalan lain buh dalam comment box yer..

saya suke join PM sbb sbg UTC-PM, saya leh view investor performance online.
web PM dah upgrade which make it more user frenly, in fact investor sendiri boleh view their investment n decide whether they want to buy/sell/hold/switch activities tru online.

working as part timer with PM ini amat menyenangkan, if takley nk p branch, ada certain job yg UTC can just deal tru any Pub Bank jer.. sbb Pub Bank mmg confirm ada setiap negeri!

*APx is fine if u just want to be UT investor but not for me as a good-responsible UTC kaedahnye.. ahaks!