Wednesday, December 30, 2009


atas permintaan seseorg saya try jawab di sini..

sebab bila time nk explain, kekadang masa org tu tak sheshuai..
[nota: entry dgn unsur teknikal. jika nak fengsan. better stop eheks. btw, this is just my personal opinion based on attending the course related to this issue. ]
so sms asal die berbunyi:
"Yg invest rm100 every month tu sampai brape lame? yg rm1000 tu skali setahun ke camne?"
"RM1000 tu utk bukak account, top up anytime MIN RM100. Kenapa berminat kah?"
"Hmm tak tahu lah. ada org kate baik lg simpan kat AS'B. guarantee deposit, safe n return pun tinggi. Duit tak banyak so nk invest mana2 pun takut"

if this person think that way, me will reply the same thing if you investing in UT with strategy (UT is guarantee deposit, safe n the returns beat ASB).

Info #1
but first of all, lets clarify the different between ASB and UT by PubMutual.
ASB is a fund manage by PN'B - by government obviously.
in other hand, over more than 20+ UT private company in Mesia, the no 1 currently biggest fund manage is PubMutual. and PubMut work hard to be the lead in this industry. (well mestilah saya ups sket; pilih tempat cari duit extra saya kan kan?)

obviously, PN'B (as for government generate money tools??) manage the biggest fund in this industry.

Info #2
lets have a look at ASB dividend and bonus for the past 15 yrs
•1993: Dividend=9.00, Bonus=4.50*
•1994: Dividend=9.00, Bonus=4.50*
•1995: Dividend=10.0, Bonus=3.00*
•1996: Dividend=10.25, Bonus=3.00*
•1997: Dividend=10.25, Bonus=1.25*
•1998: Dividend=8.00, Bonus=2.50*
•1999: Dividend=10.5, Bonus=1.50*
•2000: Dividend=9.75, Bonus=2.00*
•2001: Dividend=7.00, Bonus=3.00*
•2002: Dividend=7.00, Bonus=2.00**
•2003: Dividend=7.25, Bonus=2.00**
•2004: Dividend=7.25, Bonus=2.00**
•2005: Dividend=7.25, Bonus=1.75**
•2006: Dividend=7.30, Bonus=1.25**
•2007: Dividend=8.00, Bonus=1.00**
•2008: Dividend=7.00, Bonus=1.75**

*source from PNB and prospectus.
monolog: err nape macam makin kurang dividend and bonus PNB bagi..?
purata dalam 9-11% jer.. hmm last year 2009 plak: Dividenf=7.25, Bonus=2.00

ok lets have look at this figure plak:

Figure #1
ok nampak tak? see the return after 6yrs?(Jan04 untill Jan2010) it is 86.15%
itu saya just ambil utk 6yrs punya investment tru PMITTIKAL-FUND.
so if we divide 86.15%/6 = 14.3%
Info #3: some how, the return in UT average already beat ASB.
remember 3 rules investing in UT?
make it long term(MIN 3yrs), regular and asset allocation.

ok. now lets have a look at this figure. same fund, but i cut the range:

Figure #2

saya just amik performance since 2008 (during economy crisis) till today.
see how much did UT make? more than 40% returns!

if PN/B also invest during the same period, the also get 40% returns already, but why did they just declare the div+bonus=10% only?
PN/B also have to make money meh!
to give gov servants yearly bonus perhaps? but nan ado nya last yr! huhu

Figure #3

this time i cut the graph from 24Dec2007 until today date.

see the total returns is still in negative mode!
but remember the rules of investing in UT.
MIN 3 yrs investment!
perhaps, we should check again the returns after 24Dec2010 to see the total returns.
semasa krisis ekonomi berlaku, ramai investor yg kuarkan duit, sbb takut makin rugi, but for those who did understand, they buy the UT some more in cheaper price. and that is how they make more money this year!
so if you dont want to get any headache about the market performance.
just stick with regular investment. make it Ringgit-Cost-Average!
as for PNB, even the economy is down, they still declare quite good div+bonus last year rite?
but do we know, how much actually the return they get the previous year before market crash? say they gain more than this year perhaps 50%, they will keep the untung lor! just to make sure, they can top up the lost when market is down!

Info #4
UT have Islamic Fund
as for PubMutual the islamic fund 'ditapis' oleh ZIsyariah
saya pernah tanya kawan saya yg bekerja di Bank Islam tis simple question tru email:

salam UstZ, ada soalan ni..
btw hope ko n family sihat sejahtera...
Bank islam mmg tak jd agent ASB eh?
pastu apa pendapat ko pasal ASB?
ape plak pendapat ko dgn unit trust investing in Syariah Fund macam produk2 dari CIMB/ public-mutual plak?

and his reply:

w'slm...Alhamdulillah, sihat semuanya.....
Bank islam tak jd agen AS'B sbb panel syariah bank tu tak recognise yg AS'B tu 100% halal. yg nampak ketara adalah May'bank(majoriti pelaburan MB libatkan riba') still jd tpt pelaburan terbesar utk dana AS'B ni. kalau Maybank Islamic shj ok la.

yg ke-2, kalau tak silap PN'B tu sendiri tiada panel penasihat syariah. ini adalah asas utama dlm sesebuah organisasi/institusi islam krn segala hala tuju & perjalanan perniagaan akan di tapis terlebih dulu oleh panel syariah ni.kita sbg pelanggan pun akan berasa yakin utk melabur apabila panel syariah kata halal. betul tak?

thats why smpai skrg aku pun tak invest dlm ASB. psl unit trust ni, tak salah utk melabur dgn syarat kena melabur dlm instrument2 islamic shj la. dlm CIMB/Public mutual dll mmg ada instrument2 konvensional & islamic. psl list unit trust yg halal boleh semak dlm web IBFIM....

ok, skrg ni aku pulak nak tanya, bila ko nak kahwin? (soklan maut ni)...hehehehee....

errr Apekah?

So in UT, for investment less than 3 yrs, we are not losing money, but not yet making money!
Info #6 can i say SAFEly islamic
tepuk dada tanye selera.. again this is my personal opinion in my personal blog...

p/s: as for me, dah tak simpan di ASB lagi, tapi memilih UT Islamic Fund!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

EPF money @UT

mula2 tulis entry ni, saya kena set label 'unit trust'
saya takmo terpesong matlamat. wah gtu!

EPF: menurut kamus-Dewan-saya
adalah duit yg dipotong dari basic salary+potongan dari majikan, dan disimpankan dalam acc EPF kita untuk tujuan simpanan semasa dan hari tua.
ada company yg potongkan 10-13% from basic salary utk disimpan dalam acc@epf
dan employer itself wajibul to top up beberapa% lagi in the acc employee@epf
(err saya easily confuse employee n employer)
:btw, EPF/kwsp makna sebenar sila refer web kwsp/epf ini lah yer.

saya akan gune acronim epf instead of kwsp sbb... (e.p.f. pendek sket dari k.w.s.p.) nuff said!

duit epf ni macam terkumpul secara senyap2 sbg simpanan hari tua...
tau-tau hujung tahun, epf announce brape divident yg pencarum epf dapat every year

some gomen servant maybe tak pedulik sangat epf ni, since diorg ade skim pencen
tapi diorg akan carik2 gak duit acc 2 epf bila nak guna buat downpayment beli rumah/financial education anak2 dan.. investing!!

"eh kalau i dah kluar duit epf buat beli rumahbanglo i dulu macam mana pulak?"
well seorang macik-datin-wannabe bertanya dan ini jawabnye;
investment kita gunakan Acc1 EPF.
duit beli rumah tu kita withdraw plak from Acc2 EPF
jadi tak clash objective saving tu occay!

why invest epf money in UT?
ada rungutan dari pencarum epf yg tak puas hati dengan kadar dividen yang diberikan.
yer lah average epf declare 5-6% dividend jer yearly since 1950-an.
so dgn epf izinkan kita keluarkan sebahagian duit epf Acc1 ke mana2 pelaburan unit amanah, maka kita boleh growth more duit epf kita!

so ok ke invest epf money in UT?
kalau kite ade instrument yg boleh bg divident lebey dari epf, kenapa nk lepaskan peluang ni kan?
plus duit epf ni utk simpanan hari tua, so unit trust sendiri adalah best long term investment tools.
yor lah walaupun kita entitled utk kuarkan ribu2 duit epf skali..
tapi kita takle plak nk kuarkan duit epf tu buat convert beli fizikal gold kan?

at least kite perlu ada tools yg boleh buat duit terkumpul di hari tua tu manage to defeat inflation.
betul apa. 10k yg kita ada skrg tak mungkin sama nilai nya pada 10 tahun akan datang...
but at least, kita tahu 10k yg kita ada skrg boleh growth, so that can defeat inflation (again).

epf sendiri invest duit terkumpul mereka tru unit trust fund.
info ni saya tau masa saya jd agent-apex.
so kat sini point agent ap-ex ialah;
"epf sendiri berani invest beratus ribu epf money in UT. takkan kita takat seratus sebulan still have long tought?"

as investor, we should know the risk of investing, but again we should know how to minimize the risk..

tapi kenapa epf just bg divident 4-5% jer setahun, if they really making money investing in UT?
well.. epf tu consider big company, if they make profits more than 50%++ per year pun we as outsider dont even know;
but try to get some ideas here, the profits they get will then be rolling to pay their staff bonus, deco building2 epf se-mesia, buat family day kat island bagai.. kan? err family day tu saya sajeje sheshuke tambah! hihiks

p/s: kesimpulannya... this is my money, let me decide what is the best for it!

p/p/s: MIN RM1k everytime you want to invest your Acc 1 epf money in any UT company

p/p/s: pergilah mana2 kiosk EPF skrg, dan semak brapekah amount dalam EPF yg anda layak untuk invest ke mana2 company unit amanah!

PopQuiz: brape banyak word e-p-f dlm entry kalini??

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