"Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."
- by Mark Twain
dalam entry-strategy investing in UT, saya dah explain kenapa saya renew license saya under PM no-longer with ap-ex.. so with PubMut saya renew license akhir bulan SEPT 2009.
pastu upline-jek kata dah boleh start doing UT consultancy
err.. time ni saya rasa ilmu nak share cari investor tu tak brape banyak.
so bulan OCT saya just share the sales kit to my adik2 jer...
Investment KNOWledge as UT'C
as UTC@PubMut ; saya dikehendaki attend 2 compulsory 3cdt course plus another 5cdt course;
so sekitar bulan NOV yang lepas; selepas marking paper, saya amik cuti, attend 2/3 course tersebut... dan saya confident cakap, ilmu saya tentang UT naik nearly 89%
top of that, saya bukan nak sangat jadi agent2 ni...
(read: sebab agent saya sebelum ni tak boley nk bg info2 yg saya mahukan (terlalu byk benda i shuke nak tanye2 occay so die fengsan!!)- so the good things; dia suggest me to become one of the agent)
for me; become UTC ni lebey pada sambil selam minum air kaedahnye...
sambil invest,
sambil consult investor,
sambil dapat komisyen (actually, komisyen sket jer if kes saya yang buat sambil2 ni.. cukup lepas bayar borang+minyak kete drive ke branch jer pun! tapi oklah, this is not really my priority)
sbb alang2 i dah amik test UTC, so saya macam gunakan peluang/ share-the-knowledge bout investing in UT with my fren.. especially to those yg tgh dok bace blog ni, eventho diorg sumer ni dah tau dah.. cume mungkin level tau tu macam tahap saya mule2 invest dlu back then 2007
pastu kena plak 2008 market down.
wah sumer rase masuk UT rugi gilerr!!
dalam unit trust tade rugi, but you are not making money yet.
remember 3 strategy investing in unit trust? -long term!regular!asset allocation! (pls read:details)
tapi UT ada risk! (oh saya lum qada lg entry pasal risk ni)
again all the risk dalam UT dapat diatasi sekiranya kita follow the investment strategy above.
Make NEW Frens.. perhaps LOYAL Frens
pergi attend course/branch jumpa kawan2 baru
pergi jumpa kawan2 lama get LOYAL frendship
infact meet people citer pasal UT pun saya rasa bahagia.. err peliks?!
PM is #1
saya rasa puas hati jadi UTC under PM ni..
senang nk deal dgn investor sbb investor byk dah tahu public-mutual
senang nak deal ngan staf kat branch
senang nak p bank public since within working distance only
p/s:apepun.. antara yang best dalam sebulan ni ialah 'mengaco' life jektot laki bini..!! huhuks
sket2 saya call si jek tanye isi form camne? nak g branch camne? kalau salah sign camne? bla2
tapi tot, laki ko mmg tabah jer layan aku punye soalan2 tu eh..
err actually ku lupe nk bgtau itulah risk bila amik si saya as downline hahaha jangan serik beb! ho ho ho
p/p/s: tot sendiri mmg sempoi org nye.. see this is one of LOYAL fren i found after doing this UTC under PM eheks.
Sekian dulu lah. nnt pn mimi fengsan bace entry tade gambar... lalalarik
nota: bila kita buat sesuatu yg kita SUKA dengan MINAT, hasilnya kita akan PUAS!
Terpaling Green Day?
1 week ago
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