Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Investment Mistakes

entry saya tentang EPF with UT telah berjaya membantu saya melepasi target sales!!!..
Alhamdulillah Syukurlah
(kire lepaslah duit modal saya p amik test UTC/attend course/duit minyak/duit borang etc .. yer work as UTC ni based on komisyen yg ciput; itu pasal saya tade cadangan pun nk buat fulltime; but oklah as part timer yg berminat nak cari ilmu tentang investment!)

so skrg saya nak cerita pasal Common Mistake investors make that can hurt the performance of their portfolio:
(saya akan cuba cerita based on pengalaman peribadi saya sendiri utk entry ni nampak lebih realistik gtu!! erk apekah??)

(Warning: entry ni sedikit memboringkan... sbb seriously saya dalam mood boring skrg ni T__T)
so back to topic title 'Avoiding Common Pitfalls of Investing' quote from feature BuletinUTC Jan2010.

#1 Not preparing emergency funds before investing
invest tanpa allocated emergency funds umpama masuk water rafting tanpa pakai life jacket! seorang investor disarankan untuk bersedia dengan sekurang2nya 3-6bulan perbelanjaan bagi sebarang kes melibatkan financial emergencies (such as job loss) or unexpected cash flow probs.
asasnya disini, supaya kita tidak berasa kurang stabil emosi dan fizikal semasa berdepan dengan masalah peribadi seperti ini.(erk buruk plak ayat ni jd bile saya cube translate)
berhutang untuk melabur bukanlah pilihan yang bijak!
tapi anggaplah investing in UT sebagai cara utk menyimpan utk keperluan masa depan

#2 Market timing
walaupun pasaran saham dikatakan move in cycles, this does not necessarily mean that we can determine when to enter and exit the market at its lows and peaks respectively!
successful investors seperti Warren Buffet sendiri tidak menggunakan kaedah market-timing ini kerana more often that not, do not work!
so ape lagi kite yg kekadang tiada mase nk monitor pasaran saham semasa; jadi adalah lebih baik serahkan all the hassle kepada FundManager(yg kita dah bayor servisnya dlm %service charge itu) utk memastikan keuntungan investment dalam jangka masa yang sederhana/pjg tercapai!

sebenarnya semasa saya menghadiri kelas bersama GAMSeanTan itu; ive gotto agree those market shares performance sometime more on speculation. tapi ia turut memahamkan saya bahawa pasaran yg merudum adalah peluang untuk making money dalam UT investment!!

#3 Procrastination
Investor should not delay or posponed action when investing because an early start can make a world of difference in the potential returns as a longer time horizon will allow compounding interest to work effectively.
senang kata; semakin lambat kite delay/tangguh utk memulakan investment, semakin banyak duit yang diperlukan untuk mendapatkan pulangan keuntungan yang sama dengan those who started investing earlier..

#4 Taking too much or too little RISK
remember High Risk High Return; however high-risk takers often end up as speculators and often make investments without conducting prior research. so, instead of merely relying on your risk tolerance to shape your investments, you should also take into consideration your financial goals and time horizon.
~jangan bermain dengan risiko.. tapi cubalah memahami risiko tersebut! risiko dalam pelaburan occay!

#5 Lack of diversification
dont put all eggs in one basket! A well diversified portfolio will adhere to all components of asset allocation - considering risk tolerance, investment capital available, investment time horizon and the current portfolio's asset class weightings.

#6 Becoming emotional in investment decisions
Kebanyakan investor tersilap membuat pelaburan bila mereka mencampur adukkan perasaan TAMAK atau TAKUT dalam menentukan keputusan pelaburan mereka. sepatutnya mereka harus bersikap objective dan rasional dalam menilai pelaburan yang dilakukan.

#7 Lack of research
Investors should do their homework before investing. Succesful investing requires on-going time and effort, which includes investors conducting their own investment research.
Investor should also take note that past performance of an investment is not an indication of future performance.
did some research on any investment that you would like to make. especially skim cepat kaya!!

#8 Panicking during bear markets
seperti #6 dont let you emotion lead you in investment. if you make your investment long term, this season bear markets create opportunity to accumulate good stocks at attractive prices.

Everyone make errors in their investments but what separate the winners from the losers?
it's the one who apply what they learn from their mistakes.
The key to successful investing is not to avoid risk altogether but to recognize the risks you are taking. To avoid unpleasant surprises, do your homework.

Everyone makes mistakes one time or another. As investors, we need to learn from our investment mistakes by recognizing them and making the appropriate adjustments to our investing discipline. 

So? Always learn from your mistakes!

p/s: this entry suitable for any type of investment that you are in to!

p/p/s: jadikan kesilapan itu suatu pengajaran... tetibe terase nak nyanyi lagu 'Suratan atau Kebetulan'
~walau kita dihadapkan dengan pelbagai pilihan, 
mengapa sering terjadi pilihan tak menepati, 
hingga amat menakutkan menghadapi masa depan, 
seolah telah terhapus sebuah kehidupan yang kudus....

Monday, January 25, 2010


Dlm fbook ade byk group. so saya add lah group Pub Mutual.
skali tgk kat wall PM ade statement dari sorg ni;
BP public mutual unit trust merugikan...pelaburan ku pd 2006 dulu, kini jatuh merudum...adakah ada harapan utk naik semula??
Fri at 11:03pm • View Feedback (2)Hide Feedback (2) • Report

suspen gak saya, tapi atas dasar curiousity penyebok saya tinggi plak mlm ni (slps telan bebrapa biji pil dos demam) saya pun jalankan lah siasatan. send this person short message to his inbox.

msg saya
subject: Salam. nk tanye sket
yg berbunyi:
Saya: January 25 at 11:43am
is it true, u rugi teruk invest kat unit trust pub mutual?
u invest fund mana?
u invest lumpsum or buat regular investment?
i baru bercadang2 invest ni..
agent u sape?
u dah withdraw ke or still stay with public mutual?
sorry i banyak tanye.. sbb i nampak ur wall post mention u rugi invest with unit trust..

p/s: sorry i tertanya banyak plak

so this is his reply;

fine; if ada org still compare islamic fund dgn ASB, saya dah reply kat sini.
so ape silap dia sampai rugi?
remember my entry on strategy investing in UT? Click here for details. actually, he not rugi; he is NOT YET making money. because he didnt use strategy + poor agent service huhuhu.
Ape yg penting investing in UT:
#1 Long term, #2 Regular and #3 Asset Allocation

so tis mamat also suggest invest in gold.
nice one! mmg bile u frust in UT, u invest in Gold, u penin tgk price gold naik2 ntah bile nk turun, so u cannot buy gold in higher price, then u stop invest?? cannot lor...
invest in gold is another alternative.. well me will discuss this more soon!

actually u need the knowledge/do some simple research (at least tru pakcik google) when u want to start investing in any investment tools meh ;)

p/s: remember if u make it long term, we assure our investment can beat inflation

p/p/s: ptg tadi, saya singgah branch, ade 2 apek sangat tua, diorg tgh plan nk withdraw investment. sbok pong pang 'untung' pong pang 'untung'!

p/p/p/s: oh Raya Cina coming soon!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Fund is FUN

Update! update! read below for those who interested only!!!

ok, im doing this for FUN...eheks

"PB ada macam2 fund lah, fund mana yg kita nak pilih??" soalan biasa yg saya terima.
Dlm satu course UTC done by GAM SeanTan end of last yr; he did tell us one thing that make me realize, how to educate the investor!
"Dont choose the Fund for our investor, but HELP the investor to decide which Fund is the best for them"
-istilah bahasa-pasar-borong nya; jangan buat keputusan pilihan Dana untuk para pelabur, tapi TOLONG mereka menentukan pilihan dana dengan berkongsi ilmu!! 

sebab saya sendiri bermula sbg investor; saya sendiri sangat tertarik dengan topik bagaimana memilih fund yang sesuai dengan keperluan pelaburan kita.

saya sekadar memetik petikan sudut pandang GAM GohPoon dalam The Buletin Jan2010
"...tanyakan pada para pelabur, apakah objektif-objektif pelaburan mereka, tempoh pelaburan, profil risiko dan pulangan yang diharapkan."

and obviously, Pub Mut tlh menyediakan pelbagai jenis dana untuk memenuhi keperluan peruntukan aset pelaburan.

saya bukan AhLong, saya cuma nak tolong!
so macam mana saya nak TOLONG investor...?
saya galakkan investor buat test kenali profil risiko anda! Sila jawab kuiz itu disini.

dalam simple kuiz itu kita boleh identify what type of investor are we.
aggresive kah?
moderate kah?
or conservative kah?

jangan tersalah sangka tau; walaupun individu itu aggresive in life style, drive kete with speed 240km/j++
but he/she boleh jd sedikit conservative in term of investing!

biasanya, individu yg muda (20-35yrs), boleh berada dalam kategori aggresive or moderate.
this simple quiz will help me as UTC to HELP investor to identify how many risk actually they allow themselves to take in their investment!

Remember this?
High Risk Investment, Creates High Returns!!

Jenis Dana yg dilancarkan oleh Pub Mut ada 2 jenis:
1. Income
2. Capital Growth

Income Fund:
sasaran dana jenis ini adalah untuk memberikan dividend kepada investor setiap tahun. concept agak sama dengan ASB/TH. Cuma di Pub Mut; Fund Manager(FM) mempunyai target supaya pemberian dividend adalah lebey tinggi dan consistent berbanding dana2 dari syarikat UT lain.

Capital Growth Fund:
sasaran dana tersebut adalah bagi pengembangan Modal. berbeza dengan fund income, investor in capital growth fund, masih menerima keuntungan depends on the FM analysis. Fm akan melihat; jika keuntungan dirasakan sesuai utk diagihkan, maka investor akan penerima distribution. jika keuntungan diterima dijangka lebih menguntungkan lagi jika dilaburkan, maka distribution akan dipinjam utk pulangan berbaloi2 lagi.
FM akan melihat kepada saham2 syarikat yang memastikan keuntungan lebih tinggi di masa hadapan. sbg cth; project highway. keuntungan berlipat ganda akan diperoleh selepas project itu siap dan beroperasi sepenuhnya.
dan untuk memilih pasaran mana yang sesuai utk pelaburan di buat, tentunya FM perlu membuat research terlebey dahulu bagi memastikan pulangan modal berbaloi baloi baloi gtu!

persoalan nya "jadi mana yg sesuai utk saya?"

sila tanya diri sendiri;
adakah matlamat pelaburan anda?
adakah pelaburan anda untuk jangka sederhana atau jangka panjang?
adakah anda mementingkan pulangan dividend setiap tahun atau pulangan jangka panjang yang lebih tinggi?

so dah dapat jawapannya bila tepuk dada?
ape? kembang kempis dadamu?? heheks

setakat ini yang saya terfikir boleh sampaikan tentang pemilihan dana yang sesuai dgn pelaburan masing-masing.

bg saya sendiri dgn mempunyai profil risiko moderate;
ada pelaburan yang saya buat untuk jangka sederhana (utk duit hantaran kahwin, utk hantar parent haji/umrah) dan harapkan dividend lebey tinggi dan berbaloi3.
dan duit EPF acc 1 tu pula saya pilih fund utk aggresive investor dgn pulangan dividend. (EPF allowed the money to be invest in Local Market only)

ya walaupun kita sedar kita berprofil risiko moderate, kita boleh pilih utk invest dalam dana aggresive risk! tetapi kita mesti AWARE dan READY dengan pilihan RISK yang kita ambil itu. (will discuss more on this soon)

bagi saya, if HIGH RISK give me HIGH RETURNS.. why not? ;) plus that would be for my long term investment ;)

p/s: rasenye org yg bukak CoolBlog kat KB Mall sure setuju statement High Risk for High Returns! ^__^

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Post Mortem UTC

"Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."
- by Mark Twain

dalam entry-strategy investing in UT, saya dah explain kenapa saya renew license saya under PM no-longer with ap-ex.. so with PubMut saya renew license akhir bulan SEPT 2009.

pastu upline-jek kata dah boleh start doing UT consultancy
err.. time ni saya rasa ilmu nak share cari investor tu tak brape banyak.
so bulan OCT saya just share the sales kit to my adik2 jer...

Investment KNOWledge as UT'C
as UTC@PubMut ; saya dikehendaki attend 2 compulsory 3cdt course plus another 5cdt course;
so sekitar bulan NOV yang lepas; selepas marking paper, saya amik cuti, attend 2/3 course tersebut... dan saya confident cakap, ilmu saya tentang UT naik nearly 89%

top of that, saya bukan nak sangat jadi agent2 ni...
(read: sebab agent saya sebelum ni tak boley nk bg info2 yg saya mahukan (terlalu byk benda i shuke nak tanye2 occay so die fengsan!!)- so the good things; dia suggest me to become one of the agent)
for me; become UTC ni lebey pada sambil selam minum air kaedahnye...

sambil invest,
sambil consult investor,
sambil dapat komisyen (actually, komisyen sket jer if kes saya yang buat sambil2 ni.. cukup lepas bayar borang+minyak kete drive ke branch jer pun! tapi oklah, this is not really my priority)

sbb alang2 i dah amik test UTC, so saya macam gunakan peluang/ share-the-knowledge bout investing in UT with my fren.. especially to those yg tgh dok bace blog ni, eventho diorg sumer ni dah tau dah.. cume mungkin level tau tu macam tahap saya mule2 invest dlu back then 2007

pastu kena plak 2008 market down.
wah sumer rase masuk UT rugi gilerr!!
dalam unit trust tade rugi, but you are not making money yet.

remember 3 strategy investing in unit trust? -long term!regular!asset allocation! (pls read:details)

tapi UT ada risk! (oh saya lum qada lg entry pasal risk ni)
again all the risk dalam UT dapat diatasi sekiranya kita follow the investment strategy above.

Make NEW Frens.. perhaps LOYAL Frens
pergi attend course/branch jumpa kawan2 baru
pergi jumpa kawan2 lama get LOYAL frendship
infact meet people citer pasal UT pun saya rasa bahagia.. err peliks?!

PM is #1
saya rasa puas hati jadi UTC under PM ni..
senang nk deal dgn investor sbb investor byk dah tahu public-mutual
senang nak deal ngan staf kat branch
senang nak p bank public since within working distance only

p/s:apepun.. antara yang best dalam sebulan ni ialah 'mengaco' life jektot laki bini..!! huhuks

sket2 saya call si jek tanye isi form camne? nak g branch camne? kalau salah sign camne? bla2
tapi tot, laki ko mmg tabah jer layan aku punye soalan2 tu eh..
err actually ku lupe nk bgtau itulah risk bila amik si saya as downline hahaha jangan serik beb! ho ho ho

p/p/s: tot sendiri mmg sempoi org nye.. see this is one of LOYAL fren i found after doing this UTC under PM eheks.

Sekian dulu lah. nnt pn mimi fengsan bace entry tade gambar... lalalarik

nota: bila kita buat sesuatu yg kita SUKA dengan MINAT, hasilnya kita akan PUAS!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Yuk Iklan yuk!

a fren of mine, send me this sms last nite:
"hy saya, would u b interstd to join us as consultant? Nak try tak?"

ok dont get panic-panic, she is my ex schoolmate.
who quit her job (last yr) after consider so many factors to be the full time consultant.
ok tis time she is trying to propose me from different company-C1MB.

yes i know she doing UT from her FB photo album.
see the good thing bout fb ;)
and i can see she doing very good as consultant for short term period.

anyway, last weekend we had a makan2 at medanino ikano bakaro
during that time, me just pop up the questions bout UT,
our chat more on market performance with some discussion on investing ur epf money tru UT
but obviously i didnt tell her that i already sign form as UTC for PubMut.
but i did mention that i never been approach by any C1MB agent to invest with them..

perhaps after long thought she then decided to send me those sms.

so then here is my reply;
"Well mmg ada agent public mutual approach ehe but im not so good in sales lah dear. just intersted to understand my investment ;) "

well here is her long reply;
well aku pun tak pernah buat sales b4 ni...
actually its more towards educating people on financial planning + to create awareness on investment for financial freedom.
we prefer client understand what they are doing n to journey with us in this investment together...
ramai org2 Mlk yg tanya2 n kadang2 kitorg turun bg talk. would b great if we have someone like u yg dah biasa lecture...
ur vibe is good ily!
Pleasant n org tgk pun lembut je hati... Lama x jumpa ko n u r still the same...
ceria jer selalu hehe. I ask u coz i c d potential in u... Positive and focus!
U can be a great mentor n successful advisor to the clients.
ko pun leh monitor investment sendiri easily... and manouver it to get higher returns.
regardless market ups or down, u can still make profit saya and u can earn too.
Take ur time n think abt it...
Luv n cheers - K**

saya reply sms:
"wah! me got flattering remarks gtu! =P will think about it... "

p/s: well.. i learn so many positive words in her sms ;)

p/p/s: what if she know that im already renew my license with PM?? Ampun K** ampun!