Friday, February 26, 2010

Financial For Kids

Petikan yang dah lama saya cadang untuk post; tapi sering tak berkesempatan;
Source: The Buletin, Jan 2010
Tittle: Financial Matters for Kids
sedikit ulasan dari article tersebut:

  • Teaching our children about financial planning is one of the greatest gifts we can give them, as this will be a good advice that they can carry with them for years to come.
  • Short term benefits educate children about money : develop strong saving habits; how to make smart purchase; learn to earn for something they want
  • Long term benefits : Help kids avoid accumulating debt and invest for a bright future; help them plan for their own financial security.
  • Children as young as 5 may be able to understand the concept of earning money. Explain to them that money is earned by working and that they can only spend what they earn.

Saving and Investing
untuk ajar kanak2 tentang topik SAVING/SIMPAN ini, parent kena guna kreativiti.
maybe kita boleh start, dengan belikan tabung yang cute (teringat dulu saya ada tabung bentuk bangunan TH) kemudian kalau ade masa, buat carta simpanan untuk merekod jumlah simpanan kanak2 tu.
permainan MONOPOLY adalah satu bentuk pendedahan yang baik kepada kanak2 tentang pentingnya mengurus wang. (teringat gak dulu, waktu semasa kanak2; main game Saidina, saya selalu simpan duit, tak pandai nak beli 'hartanah' kerana takut duit habis; tapi saya sering juara duit terkumpul yang paling banyak semasa semua orang surrender dengan game itu! mode: big smile)
setelah jumlah simpanan tabung managed to have a substantial amount of money; "Maka bolehlah ajar anak itu untuk MELABUR" dan UT lah jawapan yang sesuai  itu!

"Teaching Kids to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best!"

p.s: Sebenarnya ada beberapa point lagi tapi nanti lah saya update (eg: Parent should set good examples in savings; Learning From Mistakes) tapi saya malas nak ulas, boleh gitu?

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